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N5181A-501 - Keysight / Agilent / HP Signal Generators

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N5181A-501 - Keysight / Agilent / HP Signal Generators

1.00GHz (Frequency Range Max.)

Agilent MXG analog has three frequency range options to choose from to meet your specific RF test and budget requirements.

Selecting Option 501 equips the Agilent MXG analog to generate signals in a 250 kHz to 1 GHz frequency range.

Option 501 is recommended for test cases that require CW and analog modulated RF test signals at or below 1 GHz carrier frequencies. Common signal generation uses include LO and clock substitution, interference generation, and reference signal generation for analog components and receivers.

  • Covers the lower cellular frequency bands
  • Frequency resolution: 0.01 Hz
  • Phase noise performance: -116 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz carrier, 20 kHz offset
  • Output power: +16 dBm (measured) at 1 GHz with electronic attenuator
  • Frequency switching speed: 5 ms standard (SCPI mode & list mode) or 1.05 ms (SCPI) and 800 us (list) with Option UNZ
  • TCXO time base reference provides excellent frequency accuracy and drift characteristics

Frequency Range Max.

Freq. Resolution

Output Power
to +16 dBm

AM, FM, Pulse, Phase, Analog

More Details
MXG Analog Signal Generator

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